
Summertime Skincare Routine


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Summertime Skincare Routine

As we say goodbye to the chilly winter months and welcome the sun-kissed days of summer, it's time to give our skincare routine a refreshing update. The heat, humidity, and intense sun rays change our skin's behaviour and demands, making it crucial to adapt our skincare regimen accordingly. 

Certain skincare ingredients shine in the summer, and our daily skincare routine should be adjusted to minimize sun damage and ensure our skin remains healthy, radiant, and protected over the next few months.

Ingredients That Shine in the Summer

Vitamin C 

UVA and UVB rays cause free radicals and oxidative damage to the skin. Vitamin C possesses powerful antioxidant properties that counteract the damage caused by the sun. Vitamin C also helps to prevent hyperpigmentation, improves the appearance of fine lines, and helps with collagen production.


Retinol helps minimize dark spots, a common concern in the summer months. It strengthens the protective function of the skin and protects against environmental stressors like UV damage.

Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)

UV intensity tends to be highest during summer months and niacinamide is a skin-restoring ingredient that helps protect against the damage it causes. It improves the skin barrier function and visibly improves the appearance of enlarged pores, uneven skin tones, fine lines, and dullness. 


Hyaluronic acid

High temperatures and air conditioning can leave the skin dehydrated. However, when applied topically, hyaluronic acid serves as a skin-replenishing ingredient that enhances the skin's moisture content, soothes it, and helps defend against moisture loss.

Salicylic acid

Sweat, caused by the heat and humidity in the summer, can clogs pores and cause acne. Salicylic acid exfoliates the dead skin cells on the surface of your skin that clogs pores, which helps reduce acne flair-ups and the redness of already-existing pimples. 

A Summer Skincare Routine That Will Leave You Glowing

Step 1. Cleanse

Start your daytime skincare routine by cleansing your skin. We suggest a lightweight cleanser such as the Valia Cleanser that is natural, gentle, removes dirt, and replenishes the skin's moisture barrier.

Step 2. Apply Serum 

Once your skin is clean, apply your serum. In the summer, we suggest looking for serums that are moisturizing and strengthen the protective function of the skin.

The Vital Serum contains vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, and niacinamide and is particularly perfect for this time of year.

Step 3. Verse Lotion Mist

Use a mist to refresh and to keep the skin plump, protected, and hydrated throughout the day. Our lightweight Verse Lotion Mist is perfect for brightening dull skin and can be reapplied throughout the day to help your skin glow.

Step 4. Sunscreen 

The last step is to apply sunscreen to your face and neck and lip balm containing SPF to your lips. We strongly suggest using a broad spectrum SPF 30 or higher such as EltaMD UV Clear sunscreen. It is a hybrid sunscreen with high levels of zinc oxide and has been recommended to us time and time again by dermatologists. It is perfect for darker skin tones, aging skin, cystic acne, and teenagers. And, beyond being fragrance-free and non-comedogenic, the lightweight formula contains ingredients like niacinamide and lactic acid to gently exfoliate the skin and keep breakouts at bay. 

This is the most important component of your summer skincare regimen and should be reapplied every few hours. 


A Few More Summer Skincare Tips

This routine should also be repeated nightly with the exception of sunscreen. The Valia Cleanser is an excellent cleanser for taking off makeup and sunscreen end of the day and we suggest trading the sunscreen for an exfoliating product to slough away dead skin.

Thoughtful Skincare at East 29th

Adopting this skincare routine will ensure that your skin thrives amidst the heat, humidity, and sun this summer. By prioritizing lightweight, protective, hydrating products and incorporating essential sun protection measures, you can confidently embrace the summertime while keeping your skin's glow and health intact.


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